113 | DESIGNING your business like you would design a website
Episode Notes:
Freedom-based lifestyle businesses don’t happen by accident, they happen by DESIGN.
In this episodes I’m breaking down how we can use website design principles to help us to DESIGN our online businesses in a way that prioritises freedom. PLUS revealing the new word/term I’m using to describe what I do…
Vix Meldrew’s Mastermind group:
https://www.vixmeldrew.com/mastermindOlivia Bossert (fashion photographer): https://www.oliviabossert.com/
Chloe Slade (Money Mindset coach) from Vibe & Flow: https://www.instagram.com/vibe_and_flow/?hl=en-gb
Romain Escoffier (private dining): https://www.instagram.com/romainescoffier.privatedining/?hl=en-gb
My Squarespace website design services:
https://www.byrosanna.co.uk/website-designBoard of Innovation Business Design definition: https://www.boardofinnovation.com/what-is-business-design/
Diary of a Business Designer podcast definition: https://diaryofabusinessdesigner.com/episodes/what-is-a-business-designer/
The Streamlined Content System course + course bundle: https://www.byrosanna.co.uk/marketing-courses
The Organised Business Blueprint program waitlist: https://www.byrosanna.co.uk/organised-business-blueprint
Business Design Sessions: https://www.byrosanna.co.uk/business-design