The Ultimate Guide to Flodesk

Meet the email marketing platform I’m obsessed with!


Let’s talk about Flodesk…

Hi, I’m Anna; a website designer and online educator who is currently obsessed with Flodesk. This email marketing platform was created in 2019 (by female founders!) and provides a more intuitive, better value alternative to other email marketing tools on the market.

Over the years I’ve used multiple different email marketing platforms, from Mailchimp to Converkit, to grow email lists and manage the email marketing of several different businesses. I can safely say that Flodesk is my favourite, and I can’t stop recommending it to everyone I meet!


Scroll through the different sections below to deep dive into why I moved everything over to Flodesk, and how it works…

Table of contents / quick navigation:

  1. Why I’ve moved from Mailchimp to Flodesk

  2. How to Move from Mailchimp to Flodesk (tutorial)

  3. A video tour around My Flodesk set up

  4. connect Flodesk to Squarespace easily (tutorial)

  5. Grow your Flodesk email list on Instagram

  6. Where to get more in-depth Flodesk training

(PS. The links on this page are affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you sign up for Flodesk, but I only recommend it here because I genuinely LOVE it and use it myself!)

Why I’ve Moved My Email Marketing from Mailchimp to Flodesk

a pros & cons comparison and more info about Flodesk

The Pros and Cons of Mailchimp vs Flodesk

After previously using Mailchimp, and then Convertkit for my email marketing, I’m now totally converted and have made the switch to Flodesk. Why?

Check out this video for an in-depth breakdown of the pros and cons, and an introduction into Flodesk as a company.

Prefer to read? Check out my detailed blog post about Flodesk instead!

Fancy a 30 day free trial and 50% off Flodesk FOR A WHOLE YEAR?

Be sure to sign up to Flodesk using the button below for a a 50% discount, making it just $19USD per month for your first year - no matter how many subscribers you have!


Want the three key highlights?

#1: Flodesk offers fixed pricing

As your list of email subscribers grows, the price you pay for software like Mailchimp or Convertkit goes up exponentially. At one point when I had 10,000 subscribers, I was paying over £150 per month for email marketing software! Meanwhile, Flodesk offers a fixed price no matter how many subscribers you have. You could have 1,000 or 100,000 and you’d still be paying the same! It costs $38USD per month, but you can get 50% off for your first year with my affiliate sign up link 🎉

#2: Flodesk is a total dream to use

Flodesk’s dashboard has been designed with creative, visual people in mind, and is very intuitive to use. I’ve found that other email marketing platforms can seem quite clunky and technical to use, and the amount of information on each page can be overwhelming. Meanwhile Flodesk is sleek and simple, and their pre-designed templates (that you can tweak to your hearts content!) are created in a drag and drop editor and look amazing on desktop and mobile.

#3: Flodesk integrates smoothly with any website

Both with using Squarespace and WordPress websites to connect to Mailchimp in the past, I’ve had a lot of issues with connectivity and integration with third party sign up form plugins. But you don’t need to worry about this with Flodesk, because you create all the sign up forms within Flodesk itself, and embed them onto the website with a snippet of code, that’s easy to do on all website platforms.


How to Move from Mailchimp to Flodesk

Transfer your email subscriber list over to flodesk easily!

Already got an email list in Mailchimp? No problem!

It’s incredibly easy to move your email subscriber list over to Flodesk from any email marketing platform. They all follow the same process, so if you use something other than Mailchimp, you’ll probably find this tutorial helpful anyway.

Prefer to read? Follow the step by step switchover guide in this blog post instead.

Don’t miss out on a 50% discount for your first year!

Remember if you do want to try out Flodesk at any point, to sign up using my affiliate link which will give you a 30 day free trial AND 50% off for your first year, making it just $19USD per month.

A Video Tour of My Flodesk Set Up

Take a look behind the scenes at my Flodesk account 

Want to take a peak at what Flodesk looks like to use?

Check out this video for a quick behind the scenes look at my Flodesk account set up and how it all works.

You’ll see how easy it is to navigate and how clean and simple everything is to use. No confusing information and overwhelming layouts in sight!

Try it yourself for free for 30 days!

Use my affiliate sign up link below to try it for yourself for a month, plus if you like it - you’ll then get 50% off your first year too!


How to Connect Flodesk to Squarespace

Flodesk sign up form embed tutorial

Integrating Flodesk with Squarespace is easy!

Because you set up and design all your email sign up forms within Flodesk, it’s easy to embed them anywhere onto any website platform.

As a Squarespace designer, I made this tutorial to show you how to do set them up on Squarespace, but the process is pretty much the same for every website platform.

Setting up sign up forms this way means you’re way less likely to have connectivity issues, which I know a lot of people experience when trying to connect Mailchimp to their Squarespace forms.

Get 30 days to try out flodesk for free!

+ 50% off for your first year with my affiliate sign up link below 👇🏼

How to grow your Flodesk email list on Instagram

Easily collect email addresses with Flodesk sign up forms & ‘link in bios’

Flodesk makes it easy to grow your email list!

You don’t even need your own website to start building an email list with Flodesk… you can create sign up form landing pages straight from within Flodesk, or even your own ‘link in bio’ page to use as your Instagram profile link.

Of course, if you do have your own website, Flodesk makes it easy to connect to any website platform too (as mentioned above!).

Get flodesk for just $19USD per month

No matter how big your list, this price will stay the same! Get the discount now by signing up using my affiliate link:

Want more in-depth Flodesk training?

learn how to use Flodesk to start, grow & nurture a thriving email list

Check out my online course that teaches email marketing specifically using Flodesk!


📓Understand the legal/GDPR information surrounding email marketing

☑️ Set up Flodesk correctly and add/move over your subscribers

🏷 Organise subscribers with tags and segments

📈 Grow your list with sign up forms and opt-in incentives 

☕️ Set up automated email sequences and workflows

💌 Plan, design & write amazing emails that get read and clicked on

🌟 Understand email analytics and track behaviours

Made up of video tutorials, slides and a 20+ page workbook, the course is self-paced, downloadable (to go through without internet), has lifetime access and free updates.

Sound good?


See what others have to say about the course:

Online course Testimonial
Email marketing with Flodesk
Flodesk course student


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